Elopements have always had a special place in my heart. The love that fills the air, the intimacy, and the stunning locations they take place in. Speaking of stunning locations Becca and Joe got eloped in the beautiful mountains of Banff. We had an all day shoot planned and traveled to Calgary, Temple, and Banff area – Lake Moraine.
Banff is such an amazing place with breathtaking views, but there are a few unique steps you have to take when planning a Banff elopement. In order to get eloped here you have to have certain permits as well as different legal requirements you have to follow. Banff also attracts many tourists so navigating around that is a mission, but all of this is so worth it in the end!
This couple has the sweetest love story! ecca moved back home to Calgary from Toronto. Becca met her family for Sunday church like normal, except this time Joe was sitting right in front of them. Becca says ” We started talking and the rest is history”. Now the two still call Calgary home (it’s about 1-1.5 hours from Banff). And when they aren’t planning their elopement you can find them riding horses, fishing, swimming, or listening to some good country music.
Becca and Joe are the absolute sweetest, and some new lifelong friends! After a full day of adventures in the snow surrounded by Canada’s beautiful mountains, we ended the night at the Banft hot springs and chatted about the days’ adventures and their wedding day! Thank you again Becca and Joe for allowing me to be apart of something so special.

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