Real Couples Stories

the happiest day yet for E & C! When Enrique reached out to me with plans to propose to his love, I knew it was going to be a special day! He planned their whole trip to UT full of desert adventures, and when Carolina was least expecting it, he dropped to one knee and […]

Real Couples Stories

Horseshoe Bend + Under Canvas Surprise Proposal | Adventure Desert Proposal

surprise proposal horseshoe bend photographer adventure arizona sunset under canvas destination photos

When M & S first shared their vision for an evening adventure experience, my jaw was on the floor. While most shoots require a certain level of planning & vision, this is one of those out-of-this-world locations that took extensive planning! It couldn’t have been more rewarding- the trademark southern Utah sunset was nothing short […]

Real Couples Stories

southern utah summer couple portraits adventure wedding offroad hike bridal photoshoot

Sunset Sandstone Utah Adventure | Summer Desert Elopement

As you scroll through this blog post, enjoy the love shared between B & K in Zion National Park. This was a breathtaking adventure photoshoot that took place just a couple weeks before their actual wedding day in Southern Utah. We met inside the heart of Zion National Park, hiked up to this incredible overlook, […]

Real Couples Stories

Zion Adventure | Zion National Park Utah Formal Photoshoot

zion national park elopement wedding portraits couple adventure photography southern utah zion national park photographer

let’s meet in the Tetons & take pictures all night! That’s what these two did! What a sweet finale on an adventurous mountain vacation. Hannah and Scott flew in from Texas to Wyoming for a small mountain vacation before meeting with me under the Teton mountains for an adventurous engagement session. Their neutral photoshoot outfits […]

Real Couples Stories

Grand Teton Engagement – Mountain Couples Session


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